Condition Effect Modifier

Issue #239 new
Ben Freeland created an issue

Was creating a homebrew boss NPC with effects I wanted to activate when they became “bloodied” (50% HP or less) and had a thought. Theoretically it should be possible to create a “Condition” effect modifier with options like this:

1) Drop-down

  • HP Percent
  • (Other Stuff, Not sure whether it’s worth using the full Score list from Filter or just limit it to something Abilities)

2) Drop-down (Hidden if HP Percent is selected in 1)

  • (Subtypes for other stuff)

3) Drop-down

  • <
  • =

4) Numeric input field

Then add you’d have to add checks when determining if an effect can be applied to see if the condition properties for that effect are satisfied by the actor.

Is this something you would be interested in adding? If not, would you be open to merging it if I implemented it and sent you a patch?

Comments (1)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Not a bad idea, it could be a powerful feature. So if this component exists in the effect, then the effect is only active if the condition in the component is satisfied? Do I have that right?

    Shouldn’t be too difficult to implement, just a little addition to the code which checks whether an effect applies to the actor.

    It’s certainly something I could implement, though it might be a while before I get around to it. If you’d like to use the feature sooner rather than later then you’d be best having a crack at it yourself. I appreciate the quality of the obsidian codebase could be better, so you might want to limit yourself to just implementing it for HP, unless you can think of a strong use case for other scores.

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