Natural Armor AC Not calculating correctly with Obsidian activated

Issue #298 resolved
Gruff Gamer created an issue

Unfortunately, the AC error has returned. Sheets still open fine but if Obsidian is installed, it will throw off the calculation of AC for NPCs if they are using natural armor. This happens for both custom creatures newly created, and per-existing creatures pulled from the SRD compendium. This happens regardless of what character sheet is used, but only if Obsidian is installed. I ran this in a test world with a clean install, no other mods and this only happened when I activated Obsidian. It started a few years ago and today I updated to D&D 5e 1.5.3 hoping that may fix it, but alas it’s still broken. Running Foundry 0.8.9 and the latest stable version of Obsidian. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling like before but the issue persists.

I’ve attached screenshots of the issue with a newly created custom NC with Natural armor set to 17 in both default sheet mode and in Obsidian, as well as a young red dragon statblock taken from the SRD compendium in the default sheet.

Comments (2)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Got a tentative fix for this in 5.0.22. If it's still not working, feel free to re-open or post a new issue.

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