Mana Points

Issue #311 new
Robert Dalkan Megapriest created an issue

Hi, congratulations for the beautiful work.
In my opinion, this is the best character sheet i found for now, the others don't offer more than the basic sheet stats.
However, I am writing for my doubt. I have read the wiki, but I cannot find the way to be able to create a Mana resource (a resource with a maximum score and a variable one such as HP). There's a tip?
Is there another more complete guide or wiki page by any chance?

Thanks again and I apologize for the possibly stupid question.

Comments (10)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Maybe the Lay on Hands example will help? You should only need the first section to set up a resource.

    It will look like this on the sheet:

    And you can drag it to the hotbar to see the available uses more conveniently:

  2. Robert Dalkan Megapriest reporter

    Wow, so fast
    Thanks so much for the quick answer, but I tried to use Lay on Hands's example, but unfortunately, the values do not come out even if I copied the same.

    So i'm wondering where should I get the ley on Hands? Is it a spell card?
    If so, could I create a "mana" spell card and add the points?
    Would be amazing for a step-by-step guide, but I'm afraid of disturbing too much.

    Thanks so much

  3. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Yes, you should be able to create a mana feature that works like Lay on Hands and has a resource to track mana.

    In your screenshot you have ‘this effect’ selected, and there are no resources in that effect. You need to choose ‘this item’ to find resources in the whole item.

  4. Robert Dalkan Megapriest reporter

    Yup! I solved it thanks to your help.
    I was wrong about that point of reference. Sorry.

    I used the same lay on hands formula "playing" with other voices for Mana!
    Thank you very much ... there are so many options in this tab ... you really need a manual :)
    However this works only for x-level scores and not on custom points at the moment.
    For example, what if you decide to put some temporary HP but that are not necessarily linked to the character level?

    Or what if they were tier-related but plus a constitution score? (Like HP x level + contitution bonus)

    This could be useful for the Druid, right?

    Also, a friend of mine did an italian translation for Obsidian, how can I be able to install into Foundry? I'm using The Forge as host.
    And if you like, we can give you a copy of the json file, after we checked that everything is well translated.

  5. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Yes, I would very much appreciate having the Italian translation file when it’s ready, that would be a great addition.

    You should experiment with all of the values available with the resource effect. For example, you can set a ‘fixed’ value instead of ‘formula’. The ‘formula’ option also has several different values to choose from. Also, you do not need to solve all your needs using the resource effect, there may be other ways to achieve what you want. For Druids you should explore the wild shaping features (drag a creature onto the sheet), or the summoning features.

  6. Robert Dalkan Megapriest reporter

    Your Welcome 😉
    ok. do you have any idea how to upload the file trough The Forge?
    and how can i give you the file when it’s ready?

    Thank you 🙂

  7. Kim Mantas repo owner

    I don’t use the Forge so I’m not sure, sorry, you might be able to find help on their discord. I think if you create another issue you can attach the file to the issue and then I can add it to the module.

  8. Robert Dalkan Megapriest reporter

    thank you very much, your help was greatly appreciated. Keep it up, your module is done very well!
    Have a nice day/night 🙂


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