Broken character sheet

Issue #47 resolved
Cisco created an issue
  1. when restarted foundry and opend up my world the sheet that was broken is still like that bu every time i open it errors in console show up.
  2. Adding to that, another character sheet seems to be adding some bonuses that i havent added

Comments (13)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Is it possible that you used this world on the dev build and already migrated it before the 2.0.0 release? Or is this a freshly migrated world?

  2. Cisco reporter

    this is a freshly new world.

    going to try and use the backup that i had and tell you if the problem persist

  3. Cisco reporter

    i had to do a big roll back, but now it seems to work fine.

    On the other hand some items that the character had seem to be missing.

  4. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Thanks, it looks like items stored in containers got lost during the migration. Their data is still there but they’re orphaned. I’ll fix the migration to make sure that doesn’t happen in future but if you want to fix it right now, you could try opening the console and running this code in it:

    game.actors.entities.flatMap(actor => actor.items).forEach(async item => await item.update({'-=flags.obsidian.parent': null}));

  5. Cisco reporter

    Ok so i've found out how to get the broken character sheet bug 1. Convert a normal compendium to an obsidian one 2. add a random item to an existing sheet (Arrows in my case) 3. Try to edit the effects and then delete them 4. Finally restar foundry and you will see a broken sheet and errors in console

  6. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Thanks for the detailed report. I followed those steps but was not able to reproduce it. I’ve got a video here of the steps, is there anything I missed? (after this I restarted foundry and it was totally normal).

  7. Kim Mantas repo owner

    The video was very helpful, thanks, it had to do with marking the item as ammunition so I’ve fixed that now. You could restore your world backup or try running the following in console to clear up the broken items:

    game.actors.entities.forEach(actor => => item.flags && item.flags.obsidian && item.flags.obsidian.effects.some(effect => !Array.isArray(effect.components))).forEach(async item => actor.deleteOwnedItem('OwnedItem', item._id)))

  8. Kim Mantas repo owner

    You have to click on its name. So if you add an attack, for example, you click on the ‘Attack’ text to select it.

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