Converted items with the Loot type are inconsistent and impossible for players to create on their own

Issue #50 resolved
Crater created an issue

Not sure if this would count as a bug, but it does seem like a bit of a big issue.

Right now the Loot item type doesn’t have its own Obsidian effect sheet conversion, and I’m not sure if one is planned, but in the meantime there is the issue of actually creating a loot item. The GM can still create items of all types, but using the “add custom” option on the Obsidian inventory list doesn’t allow for them to be created. As far as I’m aware, there’s currently no way for players to add custom Loot items to their sheet.

It might even be easiest just to convert them into a branch of Consumables, as there’s currently already an Adventuring Gear subclass there and it has all the functionality that you’d need with loot of that type. Since the base Loot type in the vanilla 5e sheet doesn’t include any special properties or functions, it should be pretty simple to convert the parameters that do exist into the Consumables effect sheet (name, description, weight, gold). This would also allow for Loot items to be rolled with the full extent of the effect sheet’s features, which would be excellent.

Right now it’s actually possible to do what I just described above, but right now there’s an inconsistency with converted Loot-type items from compendiums and converted sheets which makes using old content a pain (and ugly, if we’re being honest, since the loot type uses the vanilla 5e sheet).

I think if you went with the above suggestion, the Consumables tab/type strings in the sheet would be best changed to “Gear” or “Loot” (or something else that’s fitting) since all of the current consumables would fit into those names too, and something like a crowbar isn’t exactly consumable unless you’re trying really hard to break it.

Comments (3)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    This makes sense to me, and I don’t believe there’s anything in the Foundry API that would prevent the module from dynamically converting an item of one type into a different one. It can convert newly-dropped loot items to consumables without issue, but converting existing loot items will require another migration so this will take some time to properly test.

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