Details dropdown/description doesn't render for any Feature, Equipment, or Action with an Obsidian sheet effect added.

Issue #52 resolved
Crater created an issue

Unlike spells, the above listed entities display a “Details” dropdown in chat only if there are no effects added to the entity. This may be partially intentional to avoid clutter with attacks and such, but does cause issues for features especially. If it is partially intended, it might be best to add a checkbox to determine whether the description is sent to chat.

This issue doesn’t affect spells that have additional effects added to them.

Comments (3)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    I’m pretty sure I intended the same behaviour as spells, i.e. description is always included and is open by default unless there are ‘actionables’, in which case it is collapsed by default (but still included). So this sounds like a bug.

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