Spell slots not being consumed by Feature Effects

Issue #60 resolved
Former user created an issue

As discussed in Discord, I created the Primal Awareness feature for UA Ranger Class Variant, and when I cast one of the granted spells, the spell slots are not being consumed. I setup the consume Resource in the feature with Spell Slots and I tried both "Class Ranger" and "Any" but neither one is consuming the spell slots.

Comments (6)

  1. Erogroth

    One thing I am noticing with this is that when I attempt to cast the spell it doesn’t prompt me for what level I want to cast it at. So that may be tied to why it is not eating up spell slots. When adding the spells as “Spells Known” it should still be eatting up slots. So this may be the reason.

  2. Erogroth

    I was working on a way to make font of magic work as well and I think this bug will also effect that. My idea was to be able to set up font of magic with the 2 effects. 1st one that will spend sorcerery points to create spell slots and 1 that spends spell slots to create sorcerery points. By putting in a negative number in the consume resource value you can add the resources back but since you are not being prompted for what level spell slot to consume this is not working. I does work though for just sorcerery points. Not sure if using the variable feature will work or not until I can test. Also not sure if it will let us add additional spell slots above those you have provided by the class. So we may need a way to create additional temporary spell slots that disappear on long rest.

  3. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Ah, font of magic is an interesting one. I think even with this bug fixed, the semantics around consumers will mean this can’t be represented in the effects system just yet with the components currently available. Definitely demonstrates the need for ‘resource provider’ component though. I need to rework the tab sidebar first before adding more components though, it’s running out of space.

  4. Erogroth

    Thanks for the fix. So you think the ability to add those temp spell slots is doable? Its just an “other things need to come first” type of thing?

  5. Kim Mantas repo owner

    If there are ways for a character to have temporary spell slots through some feature (like Font of Magic), then I want to support it eventually, yes.

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