Save DC and Spell Attack

Issue #61 new
Erogroth created an issue

I know that spell attack and Save DC are in the Spells section but I fell like they should also have a more prominent space on the sheet. Maybe up top near the AC above Defense or something. Its the kind of thing a DM may ask once and a while and you want it in an easy place to see. Also, it may be good to be able to manually set it. A class like Monk that doesn’t have spells but does have a Ki DC needs to be able to set that and right now I don’t see a way to do so.

Comments (7)

  1. Erogroth reporter

    I did figure out that you can go to the monk class and edit it and set them as a spellcaster with wisdom as their ability and just ignore the other settings. Though it may be good if you can have some kind of setting for non-caster.

  2. Kim Mantas repo owner

    It’s one click away behind the spells tab which, in my opinion, is an easy enough place to see. As for non-casters, the best way currently is to have the value in one of their features. You can write things similar to the roll formulae (it’s a bit experimental and subject to change though).

    Results in:

    This is definitely less easy to reference at a glance but ideally any ability that you roll that requires this DC should have a save component so you can see it directly in the roll anyway.

    I’m unlikely to add it to the top level of the sheet at this stage. There’s room for maybe one more box at the top next to AC (unless you’re playing in German, in which case there’s no room for anything anywhere). Maybe save DCs are a good candidate for it, maybe I can make it configurable so whatever value you want can go up there, not sure yet, but I do always appreciate the feature suggestions regardless.

  3. Erogroth reporter

    Ya. Maybe just a field you can name and enter anything you want there. Not sure if Foundry would allow you to pull another field to it like an attribute in R20. Then you can put ammunition there if you want, or ki, or bardic inspiration, or any other class resource you want. I also haven’t played much with the formulas in FVTT yet. Wasn’t sure how similar they work to R20 and where I can find a list of what the attributes are called. in R20 there was the attribute sheet so you could see what they were and make the calls.

  4. Erogroth reporter

    What about the thought of the “non-caster” selection in the caster type that way spell slots don’t appear in the spells tab?

  5. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Yeah there’s no super easy way to know what attributes you can use in the formulae that I know of. As for a ‘non-caster’ type, I suppose? Seems weird that you’re setting ‘Spellcasting’ to ‘non-caster’, and then looking in the spells tab for someone who doesn’t do anything with spells at all, but it’s not like I have a particularly strong opinion against it.

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