Spells with saving throws and a target throw an error and fail to roll

Issue #63 resolved
Crater created an issue

To reproduce quickly, you can use the Thunderwave spell from the Obsidian compendium. Throws the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'saves' of undefined
    at Object.effectRoll (rolls.js:379)
    at rolls.js:609
    at Array.flatMap (<anonymous>)
    at Object.itemRoll (rolls.js:609)
    at Object.fromClick (rolls.js:444)
    at ObsidianConsumeSlotDialog._onUse (consume-slot.js:56)
    at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js:2)
    at HTMLDivElement.v.handle (jquery.min.js:2)

Issue seems to be caused by a combination of the Target and Saving Throw sections, removing either removes the issue.

Tested without any other modules on 0.4.5 and using the default Obsidian compendium.

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