Resource Consummation issues.

Issue #66 resolved
Erogroth created an issue

I have found 2 problems:

1: When setting up an effect to Consume Resource of type Spell Slot, no spell slots are consumed. I would assume the expected action would be for the spell level pop to come up similar to one you cast a spell and you choose what spell level slot to consume but that doesn’t happen. Checking the Spells section, no spell slots of any level are consumed. (See Screen Shot)

2: If the resource consummation amount is set to “variable” the amount of the resource consumed is not prompted as I assume it should be. Or maybe I do not understand this setting. I had set it to fixed of “2” and it would remove 2 of the given resource, but after changing it to “variable” it still removes 2. If I then change it back to fixed and set it to “3”, it consumes 3, then I changed it back to variable and it now consumes 3. So it seems to be retaining whatever value it last had from the fixed amount.

Comments (3)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Yeah I think I intended for variable consumption to be used when you have a feature that can't properly be expressed through the effect system but you still want it to track resources, but then I just forgot about it because a fixed consumer + a scaler gives you variable consumption anyway. I've fixed it in 2.1.4 but check you don't actually want a scaler instead first. Also fixed the spell slot consumer to work without a scaler too now.

  2. Erogroth reporter

    The Scaler is more what I was looking for. Didn’t realize that was a thing.

    The spell slot consumption is working now so thats good. What doesn’t work is having a feature consume more than 1 type of resource. It will only consume the first resource in the effect but not the second. I know its a weird thing but i am still working with making font of magic work. One idea I had was to create a feature called “temp 1st level spell slots” and another feature for each level up to 5. Then I can consume the spell points and have it add to the temp spell slot feature but it just ends up combining both resources into one. The other thing I attempted was simply consuming a spell slot and adding spell points back. The spell slot gets consumed but the spell points don’t change (I use a negative number to add them which does work on its own).

    So no mater what, mixing 2 resource consumptions in 1 feature doesn’t work.

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