Allow for bonuses to be added to passive perception/investigation

Issue #69 resolved
Crater created an issue

Pretty much the title, just a minor suggestion. It’s a niche issue since there are only a couple things that change those two stats without changing the base skill (the Observant feat mainly comes to mind, to give a RAW 5e example) but it’d be nice to have for that feat in particular and any other outlier cases.

Comments (5)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Should already be possible I believe. Add a bonus component then add a filter component and set it to filter by the score you want.

    That being said, when I was testing this out, I noticed that passive scores weren’t being updated so I need to fix that. But, when it is fixed you should be able to set it up like above,

  2. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Alright, there should be a fix to actually apply those bonuses now in 2.2.6. Let me know if this is what you had in mind and I can close the issue.

  3. Szűcs Richárd

    (Minor bug)

    I’m adding my Charisma modifier to my Perception skill like this, the description on my Effects tab reads the following: “Add your Charisma modifier to undefined checks”
    The math is correct, only displaying the skill’s name is the issue. It was the same when I filtered for the skill and the passive skill as well.

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