Ability to add free text/other kinds of resistances and vulnerabilities on the sheet

Issue #78 resolved
Dante created an issue

Right now when you select if a character has resistances or is immune to something you select from a dropdown the kind of damage or select a box out of two choices, magical sleep and disease. I’d like to be able to specify, for example, that a character is resistant to bludgeoning damage, and adding something to that, like ‘apart from silvered weapons’ or ‘apart from magical attacks’.

Comments (4)

  1. Sean vas Terra

    Support for adding things like Dwarven Resilience (advantage on saves vs poison) would be nice too.

  2. Kim Mantas repo owner

    So the silvered/adamantium stuff should now be supported as of 3.0.0. Dwarven resilience will require some more work on the roll modifier/filter side.

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