Ability/Item Sound Effects

Issue #79 new
Michael Myall created an issue

So I had an idea. The idea would be for items and abilities to have an option to connect sound effects to them. For example it could pull from a chosen file, or chosen audio effect from within the playlist. Allowing a fireball, to play a fireball sound effect. That or a sword to play a swoosh or clang. Possibly even adding sounds for Crits, nat 1’s, and regular rolls.

Just a thought I had, could be an enhancement. I know I’d use it.

Comments (2)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    There might already be a mod that does this. I think it’s called Maestro maybe? It might not be compatible with Obsidian since Obsidian does its own rolling but it’s something I can look into.

  2. Hailey Bagley

    I adore obsidian, but adore custom sound effects more. I’ll be watching to see if you ever become compatible with Maestro!

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