Features do not appear

Issue #8 resolved
Cisco created an issue
  1. while filling a character sheet opened up the class features compendium, drag the feat to the character sheet and nothing added up.
  2. expected a feature added in the Features & Traits tab, but nothing happened
  3. Encountered this issue on foundry app
  4. image ith the error linked

Comments (3)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    This is just a result of the default compendium not having all the extra data that obsidian adds. When you drag a class feature from the compendium, it will appear under Actions → Actions at first, you can then edit it to change it to type ‘passive’ and it will appear under Features & Traits → Class Features. I’m closing this for now as it is not a bug, and will eventually be addressed with an obsidian-specific class features compendium similar to the equipment and spells compendia.

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