Pact Slot Override doesn't apply

Issue #83 resolved
Sean vas Terra created an issue

Override for # of pact slots doesn’t apply, although the Slot Level override will still work.

Comments (9)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    I am having trouble reproducing them. Could you check that you’re on the latest version of obsidian (2.6.2), and the latest version of dnd5e (0.8.8). If those are both up-to-date, could you let me know what class levels that character you’re having issues with has?

  2. Sean vas Terra reporter

    Updated to the latest version and it’s still not working. It doesn’t seem to matter what class I set it to. During testing I discovered that if you go into the settings for a class on the sheet and give it Pact Casting, an then switch it away from Pact Casting into something else, the pact slots don’t go away, which is probably related?

  3. Sean vas Terra reporter

    I’m doing this testing on a clean world with only obsidian activated, even starting a new world entirely doesn’t effect it.

  4. Sean vas Terra reporter

    Obsidian 2.6.4, dnd 0.88, I make sure everything's updated basically every time I launch foundry.

  5. Kim Mantas repo owner

    OK, I figured out what has happened. This is another bug in core foundry: it is currently fixed on the dnd5e master branch, but it has not been officially released yet. Since I sometimes do work on dnd5e, I’m on the bleeding-edge version rather than the latest 0.8.8 release. So, thank you for your patience with this, and it should be fixed in the next dnd5e release (0.8.9).

  6. Sean vas Terra reporter

    That’s good to hear, thanks for looking into it and getting it resolved for next patch.

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