"Provide Spells" Effect is a little finicky

Issue #91 resolved
Alexis Valentine created an issue

I have used the provide spells effect to create a couple different things, one was a racial feature and one was a class feature, the first was called fey step and provided misty step as an innate one time per short rest cast, however the spell still wanted to use a spell slot, as well as the resource I had setup, I deleted the trait, but the spell remained and I was unable to manually remove it with the manage spells feature, I had to go into the console to delete the spell. Next I setup a class feature that causes hunters mark to be an always known spell, that can be cast without a spell slot or concentration a certain amount of times a day, once again still required the spell slot, and didn’t get removed when I deleted the feature, so I had to remove it in the console.

Comments (5)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    So, I wasn’t able to reproduce your issue with orphaned spells. When I remove the parent feature, the provided spells get deleted too. However, if it does happen, it does seem quite painful to have your only recourse be to delete them through the console. I’ve made a small change that should hopefully now show spells orphaned in this way under the ‘Custom’ section of ‘Manage Spells’.

    I was also not able to reproduce your issue around prompting for spell slots for innate spells. If a spell is provided as ‘innate’, it did not prompt for a spell slot for me when I tested, but it also did not consume the 1/rest resource. So I’ve made a fix for that.

    Finally, spells provided as ‘known’ will always prompt for a spell slot so your Hunter’s Mark example is not possible in obsidian. If you do not want the spell to consume a spell slot, it must be provided as ‘innate’ or ‘provided by item’.

    To help me reproduce these, make sure you’ve updated to the latest version of obsidian, and are on foundry 0.5.5, and using dnd5e 0.8.8. Then if you could either provide some screenshots of how you’ve set up the various items, or a small video/gif of the bug in action, that would go a long way.

  2. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Ah, I see now. The issue occurs when it’s created as a global item first, then dragged into the sheet. I do all of my testing by creating items directly on the character so I missed it. The video was very helpful, thanks, I’ll try to work on a fix.

    For the resource issue, that filled in grey square means it’s actually used, and empty means available. About 50% of people understand it one way and about 50% understand it the other way. I’m sure it doesn’t help that it starts filled in too. I have not arrived at a good solution yet.

  3. Alexis Valentine reporter

    No I got that, there was no resource issue there, it did take me a few minutes when I first started using obsidian to figure out the resources but I just did some testing with the long rest button and got it figured out

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