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User Guide

by inSquared of Dragonfire Creations


To set up an item that automatically uses up ammunition whenever it is used, all you need to do is enable the "AMMUNITION" tag on the item:


Once that is enabled, the next thing you need to do is setup the ammunition that this weapon will use, like this:


The resource setting is to determine what type of resource this item consumes up per-use, in this case it consumes the quantity of itself. The amount determines how much resource is used every time this item is used.

The final thing you need to do is to hook up the ammunition to the weapon, and that can be done on the character sheet, you would simply need to select the ammunition from the dropdown menu.



In obsidian, containers have their own section in the inventory, allowing you to properly keep track of any item that is inside.


This new section can also be collapsed or expanded by clicking on this up.png button.

You are also able to keep in track if the container item goes over the set weight capacity, it will look like this once it's over the set capacity.


Need to create a custom container item? Simple, here is an example of what an item container’s settings/configurations would look like:


Resistances & Immunities

On a NPC or Actor sheet, you are able to set resistances and immunities, these immunities


automatically apply when using the check.png button on damage rolls.


Note: The apply button only affects tokens that are targeted by the player/user.

You are also able to apply global damage reduction for particular npcs or actors by opening the defenses configuration window, any amount in the "DAMAGE REDUCTION" field is the fixed amount of damage that will be deducted from any damage taken.



In Obsidian you are able to greatly control the skills an actor/character have, and even add your own custom ones.


In the skill section (shown in red) you are able to add proficiencies (shown in blue) and even change the base ability (shown in green) for that skill.

Proficiencies & Bonuses

You are able to add proficiency, half-proficiency and expertise on any skill you wish, by simply clicking the circular icon on the left side of any particular skill, each click will alternate between none, proficient and expert.

You are able to add half-proficiency and custom skills by clicking the edit icon on the skill-section of the character sheet, it will open up a window that looks like this:


Here you are able to set up a global skill bonus, enable jack of all trades, set (dis)advantages and add your own custom skill. In this case, I added a new skill called a Martial skill, which is a homebrew skill I use for players to be able to determine what features/actions/passives a monster has.

Base Ability

Is there a situation in your game where you need to use a different base ability for a skill? Maybe you're trying to impress an NPC with your Barbarian's glistening muscles? Need an STR performance check? Then you can! By simply clicking the drop down option of that skill and selecting the ability you wish to use for that skill.

Passive Senses

Need to set up a way where your passive senses are easily viewable? Just click the edit button on the senses section of the character sheet.


This will open up a window where you are able to add your senses and show skill passives on the character sheet.


Saving Throws

You are also able to set up proficiencies and bonuses for any character sheet's saving throws.


Like stated above, you are able to click the circular icon to add/remove a proficiency to the corresponding item, in this case, a saving throw.

Clicking the edit button on the saving throws section, will open this window


And in this window you are able to set up global bonuses and (dis)advantages.

Death Saves

Running a homebrew game? And wanna change the success rate for death saving throws? You can! Just click the edit button on the death saves section


And it will open up this window



Applying and keeping track of conditions have never been easier, with Obsidian, you can focus more on running your game rather than keeping track of player conditions.


You simply need to click on any effect or exhaustion level that you would need for your character(s). These effects also reflect on the respective token


Inventory & Features

Have you ever been confused about what type of action the thing you are trying to do is going to use? Or maybe you have newer players that aren’t used to the 5e system just yet, then the action system of Obsidian is your best bet on giving your players the information they need.

Action Filtering

With Obsidian's way of filtering actions based on what type of action they are, you are able to easily find anything you would want for any type of situation.

You are able to filter through and find the right type of action you want to use


You can view your reactions


Your main actions


And all of your attacks.

All in areas where you would expect to find them, with this level of organization and filtering, you would spend less time finding what you want to do, and actually doing them.


With Obsidian's inventory system you are able to organize, keep track & view any information you may need from that character's inventory.


You are able to see how much weight in total you are currently carrying, how much currency you have and you are able to filter through the inventory using the category buttons at the top, or simply search for any item in your inventory.


Have you ever had trouble remembering what spells are available for a certain class? Or maybe your players are simply new to D&D 5e and they constantly ask what spells are available for their class. With Obsidian, you never need to worry about that again!

As you can simply open up a character sheet, click on spells and then manage spells



And it will open up a window where you can learn spells, view learned spells or add custom spells. All of the spells are pre-filtered to only show what is available to that class, according to the source books. You can simply click on "learn" or "remove" to do so for each spell.

Custom Classes & Spell Lists

Have a homebrewed class with a custom spell list? No worries! You are also able to edit what spells are available for each class. Simple head over to options > configure settings > module settings > obsidian character sheets > configure


There you are able to enable or disable spells by simply moving them in or out of the class spell list, clicking manage custom allows you to add your own class as well!

If you are adding custom spells to certain classes, make sure to select the compendium that contains ALL the spells that you are using in your game.


In this case, every spell in [dnd5e] DDB Spells are the entries that will be appearing on the spell configuration window above.

Languages & Proficiencies

Need to setup proficiencies for your characters? You are able to do so by clicking the edit button on the proficiencies section of the character sheet.


This will open up a window where you are able to select proficiencies or simply type out custom ones if you have homebrewed content!



Have you ever needed an area where you can input information about the characters and their experiences, backstory, goals and etc.? Obsidian can also do that for you!


This allows you to keep notes for each npcs or pcs, something happens in the session that you didn’t plan for that you need to remember? This is the perfect place to write anything that may be important in the future.

Resource Tracking

Need a way to allow your players to visually track their resources? Worry not! Obsidian can handle such things for you easily! Just simply drag the feature, item or a weapon with ammunition to your hotbar!

