Only showing first 30 folders

Issue #14 open
Patrick George created an issue

I don't know if I'm just dumb, but it's only showing the first 30 comic folders for me under Library. I thought it might be paginated, but there aren't any arrows or anything to go to another page. I've tried running both a Quick and Full Scan, to no avail.

edit I just happened to think, I'm using a different theme for Ubooquity, specifically the Modern theme by Roflcop. Could that be causing the page navigation buttons to not appear? I'll try changing back to default theme in Ubooquity and see if that fixes it, but won't be able to do that until tonight.

edit 2 I changed Ubooquity back to the default theme, and it's still only showing the first 30 folders. I deleted and readded the server to Variant, in the hopes that might fix it, but it's still doing the same thing.

edit 3 It's not just folders, I have a folder in the first 30 that has over 30 issues inside of it, but only the first 30 issues are displayed. There's again no way that I can see to go to the next page of issues.

Comments (6)

  1. Gauntlet repo owner

    This is on me, I originally didn't know that the OPDS feeds were paginated, the upcoming update will fix this.

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