32bit Version

Issue #4 open
Gauntlet repo owner created an issue

Provide a 32bit version.

Comments (6)

  1. Gauntlet reporter

    This should be easy enough, I'll try and see if I can upload it separately from the 64bit version, either way it'll take a few days. Will update when I know more.

  2. Gauntlet reporter
    • changed status to open

    No problem Wayne. Lightly tested builds on my PC, seem to work fine. Will close once confirmed working on an actual 32bit OS.

  3. Wayne S

    Installed on my tablet now. All looks to be doing what is should, library issue aside. In fact, it seems to work better than the 64bit version on my desktop!

    On the tablet I can see my comic folder structure and navigate through it. Couple of issues however (I'll cross post these in to the library size thread):

    • Number of comic in a folder always shows as 0 - this might be because its not completing the initial scan? I'm able to start navigating immediately so I'm guessing its maybe timing out once its pulled the folder structure?

    • The app closes (no error message) when I either go in to a folder with lots of entries - one folder I tested had 62 comics in it - app just closed when I assume it was generating thumbnails?

    • Testing with a smaller folder (3 comics), I get the thumbnails but upon opening a comic, the app closes again as above - I'm dumped back to the desktop.

    • I've also noticed I only see the folder structure if I click on the server - if I go to "library", theres nothing there.

    • I seem to have the duplicated folder issue - although this has only appeared since launching the app a second time following a crash - first run it was as I'd expect it to be.

    In case you think its a memory problem, just to confirm I have 2gb with just the standard Windows services running the background - I don't use this tablet for anything other than browsing or comic reading so theres nothing to really slow it down/eat up RAM running in the background.

    Edit: I've managed to open a comic now so can finally see the navigation screen etc. Looks very nice, although I will admit it runs quite slow - scrolling through pages and even when accessing the aspect ratio buttons etc at the top. Still, early days yet and when it works, its great.

  4. Gauntlet reporter

    I've replied to most of these in this thread: https://bitbucket.org/Gauntlet-Dev/variant/issues/2/large-library-scanning-issue.

    I'm pretty sure it's not a memory issue since in my testing the RAM usage of Variant rarely went above 100MB during my memory tests.

    Tablet: the slowness is intriguing. For now don't use the scanning options in the context menu they aren't strictly necessary as Variant will update the local database as you use the file explorer.

    Desktop: It might be an IP address issue, try using the LAN IP (192.168.0.XXX) for the server instead of the local ip "" or even "localhost". Make sure you are including "http://" or "https://" before hand as well.

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