dont like the << >> buttons at the bottom

Issue #9 open
HypKin created an issue

i always think that they are page turning buttons but they load the next comic - which then takes a considerable time to load.

Comments (5)

  1. HypKin reporter

    it just doesnt make a lot of sense to me, especially since those buttons are positioned right next to the page number.

  2. Gauntlet repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Fair enough, any ideas for a preferred location? How about if I put the issue change buttons in the bottom right hand corner and add a pair of page turn buttons around the page numbers?

  3. HypKin reporter

    you could do this:


    but then i'd probably think that the << buttons are jumping to first and last page. putting them

    Putting them in the bottom right corner seems good enough. ideally the "back" button would be grayed out when you read the first comic in a folder. and of course the next button when youre reading the last one.

    also preloading the first 2 pages or so form the next or previous comic would speed up the changing between comics.

  4. Wayne S

    ^^^ Totally agree with Hypkin, although as a left hander, being able to have them on the lower left as an option would be great too.

    Preloading the first couple of the next issue would be great.

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