Path bug with vobsub SRRs still exists in some cases

Issue #18 closed
Gfy repo owner created an issue
Stored files:
          138,748  Proof/
           21,497  Sample/
              723  ../../../../../*username*/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpkn7eo0.pyReScene/Subs/
               58  Subs/

The bug was in 0.5, but was caught quite fast so it was disabled. (resulting in a 0.5.1 download)

as soon as I tried with the -t switch (-t d:) it worked

my old windows username was <8 characters, new one is >8 characters, so it's showing up as: c:\users\nickna~1\appdata\local\temp\tmpdoyb4h.pyReScene\Sample\ during creation.

Comments (2)

  1. Gfy reporter

    Vobsub path bug fixed when default temp folder gets shortened on Windows. Closes issue #18. No hidden .log files get added either. (starting with a dot)

    → <<cset 5eacec547313>>

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