Warning: File size does not appear to be correct!, but SRS is created

Issue #103 new
Gfy repo owner created an issue


srs rep-trumbo.720p.bluray.x264-sample.mkv

Warning: File size does not appear to be correct!
         Expected: 52
         Found   : 26.601.009

File Details:   Size           CRC
                -------------  --------
                   26.601.009  2BE18C1B

Track Details:  Track  Length         Codec
                -----  -------------  --------------------
                    1     20.313.762  V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
                    2      6.269.392  A_DTS
                    3            569  S_TEXT/UTF8
                    4            633  S_TEXT/UTF8

Parse Details:  Metadata     Attachments   Track Data     Total
                -----------  ------------  -------------  -------------
                     16.653             0     26.584.356     26.601.009

Successfully created SRS file: rep-trumbo.720p.bluray.x264-sample.srs

Same behavior in ReSample .NET

Comments (2)

  1. Gfy reporter

    Investigate: srs for broken mkv created


    >pysrs hd4u-catchmeifyoucan-720.sample.mkv
    Warning: File size does not appear to be correct!
             Expected: 34 359 738 400
             Found   : 4 302
    File Details:   Size           CRC
                    -------------  --------
                            4 302  5D9A9269
    Track Details:  Track  Length         Codec
                    -----  -------------  --------------------
                        1              0
    Parse Details:  Metadata     Attachments   Track Data     Total
                    -----------  ------------  -------------  -------------
                          4 302             0              0          4 302
    Successfully created SRS file: hd4u-catchmeifyoucan-720.sample.srs

    txt on srrdb:

    Warning: File size does not appear to be correct!
    Expected: 34.359.738.400
    Found : 50.522.629
    Corruption detected: AssertionError. Aborting.
  2. Log in to comment