Due to unknown "race condition" SRS files are missing inside the SRR

Issue #119 open
Gfy repo owner created an issue

Some music SRR files are missing the SRS file for a track. When rerunning again, it works or some other SRS file is missing inside the SRR. From around 80 uploads, 6 had the error. The following message is shown:

Two processes are now trying to output the same file!
This one lost... deleting temp file.
The output file has been locked by another application?

I noticed that the .srs files were quite large for an MP3 release. (image in meta data) The options -r -c -n -s -v were used on pyReScene Auto.

The check of the error happens here in replace_result(): https://bitbucket.org/Gfy/pyrescene/src/772bd887816875d0bf06f5bc0638b37e5b7923fb/resample/srs.py?at=default&fileviewer=file-view-default#srs.py-323

Maybe the -s, --sample-verify verifies sample against main movie files creates a situation where the .srs file is written twice to the temp folder?

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