TAG+ extended tag before an ID3v1 tag

Issue #123 new
Gfy repo owner created an issue


The extended tag is an extra data block before an ID3v1 tag, which extends the title, artist and album fields to 60 bytes each, offers a freetext genre, a one-byte (values 0–5) speed and the start and stop time of the music in the MP3 file, e.g., for fading in. If none of the fields are used, it will be automatically omitted.

Some programs supporting ID3v1 tags can read the extended tag, but writing may leave stale values in the extended block. The extended block is not an official standard, and is only supported by few programs, not including XMMS or Winamp. The extended tag is sometimes referred to as the "enhanced" tag.

The extended tag is 227 bytes long, and placed before the ID3v1 tag.

This tag isn't in the .srs meta data backup of ReSample. Was this ever used on scene releases?

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