AssertionError when reconstructing .vob from proof rar

Issue #130 new
Gfy repo owner created an issue

Display a proper error message.

<ac3> 1. somethings, rebuilding sample works fine but checking against main file fails (at least thats what I think) I get
<ac3> Successfully rebuilt sample: saviour-youandi-dvdr-sample.vob
<ac3> SRS Load Complete...          Elapsed Time: 0.00s
<ac3> Corruption detected: AssertionError. Aborting.
<ac3> there is no diff between the original sample and the rebuild one so its not a big deal I guess
<ac3> 1. the assertion error was my fault. I tried to reconstruct the Sample from the Proof rar not the main movie file which cannot succeed obviously ;) or should the assertion error still not occur in this case?
<@Gfy> 1. no, it may never bubble up. it should only mean programmer error or specially crafted data to trigger it (or something not following -presumed- standards)
<ac3> 1. ok, I can reproduce the assertion error with every proof rar I tested so far, command: 'input.srs' '/path/to/release/Proof/proof.rar'
<ac3> btw, if i use -m switch, i dont get any assertion error, perhapts that makes it easier to find
<ac3> with -m, output looks as follows
<ac3> SRS Load Complete...          Elapsed Time: 0.00s
<ac3> Track Location Complete...    Elapsed Time: 0.00s
<ac3> Unable to locate track signature for track 1. Aborting.
    -m                  Ignore stored match offset against main movie file.

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