Retry next match on vobsample rebuild failure

Issue #131 new
Gfy repo owner created an issue

<ac3> ok, so the sample has been taken from the beginning of VTS_01_2.VOB. If I try to rebuild the sample from that file, the recunstructed sample plays fine in vlc with audio, mediainfo -F (Full information Display) does not show any difference but still, its not the same CRC
<ac3> or does the "lots of zero bytes at the beginning" explain everything and the original Sample just does not have it and can therefore not be rebuild with the same CRC?
<@Gfy> ac3: if you force a shift of 27 bytes later starting reconstruction, I think it's a match

The vobsample starts with all zero bytes within the SRS. A wrong match offset is found. Loop and shift to the next match when the CRC isn't correct yet.

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