The filename or extension is too long

Issue #163 resolved
Adam Baxter created an issue

It looked like a rebuild had succeeded, but I get the following error at the end

Compressing ALL files.
Command length: 3367
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\pyReScene\rescene\", line 1976, in compressed_rar_file_factory
  File "E:\pyReScene\rescene\", line 2122, in __init__
rescene.main.RarNotFound: No good RAR version found.

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\pyReScene\rescene\", line 566, in main
  File "E:\pyReScene\rescene\", line 307, in manage_srr
  File "E:\pyReScene\rescene\", line 1301, in reconstruct
  File "E:\pyReScene\rescene\", line 1690, in get_rar_data_object
  File "E:\pyReScene\rescene\", line 1983, in compressed_rar_file_factory
  File "E:\pyReScene\rescene\", line 2576, in __init__
  File "E:\pyReScene\rescene\", line 2585, in compress_files
  File "c:\Python34\lib\", line 859, in __init__
  File "c:\Python34\lib\", line 1112, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 206] The filename or extension is too long
Unexpected Error: [WinError 206] The filename or extension is too long

Full log is attached