Password protected rar set creates huge SRR file

Issue #190 new
Gfy repo owner created an issue

Skip everything after ‘RAR Archive Header’ when file is password protected, or ask for archive password and create data from decrypted headers.

pysrr -e Chunk_Covers-Volume_One-XboX.srr
The file is an SRR file.
Block: SRR Volume Header; offset: 0x0 (0 bytes)
|Header bytes: 69696901001b001200707952655363656e65204175746f20302e37
|HEAD_CRC: 0x6969
|HEAD_TYPE: 0x69 (SRR Volume Header)
|HEAD_FLAGS: 0x0001
| 0x0001 (an application name (length) field is present)
|HEAD_SIZE: 0x1B (27 bytes)
+Application name length: 0x12 (18 bytes)
+Application name: pyReScene Auto 0.7

Block: SRR Stored File; offset: 0x1B (27 bytes)
|Header bytes: 6a6a6a00801b00060800000e006368756e6b2d786376312e6e666f
|HEAD_TYPE: 0x6A (SRR Stored File)
|HEAD_FLAGS: 0x8000
| 0x8000 LONG_BLOCK (ADD_SIZE field present)
|HEAD_SIZE: 0x1B (27 bytes)
+ADD_SIZE: 0x806 (2054 bytes)(the size of the stored file)
+Stored file name length (2 bytes): 0xE (14 bytes)
+Stored file name: chunk-xcv1.nfo

Block: SRR Stored File; offset: 0x83C (2108 bytes)
|Header bytes: 6a6a6a00801b007d0000000e006368756e6b2d786376312e736676
|HEAD_TYPE: 0x6A (SRR Stored File)
|HEAD_FLAGS: 0x8000
| 0x8000 LONG_BLOCK (ADD_SIZE field present)
|HEAD_SIZE: 0x1B (27 bytes)
+ADD_SIZE: 0x7D (125 bytes)(the size of the stored file)
+Stored file name length (2 bytes): 0xE (14 bytes)
+Stored file name: chunk-xcv1.sfv

Block: SRR RAR subblock; offset: 0x8D4 (2260 bytes)
|Header bytes: 717171010017000e006368756e6b2d786376312e726172
|HEAD_CRC: 0x7171
|HEAD_TYPE: 0x71 (SRR RAR subblock)
|HEAD_FLAGS: 0x0001
| 0x0001 (the stored recovery data is removed)
|HEAD_SIZE: 0x17 (23 bytes)
+Rar name length (2 bytes): 0xE (14 bytes)
+Rar name: chunk-xcv1.rar

Block: RAR Marker; offset: 0x8EB (2283 bytes)
|Header bytes: 526172211a0700
|Rar marker block is always 'Rar!1A0700' (magic number)
|HEAD_CRC: 0x6152
|HEAD_TYPE: 0x72 (RAR Marker)
|HEAD_SIZE: 0x7 (7 bytes)

Block: RAR Archive Header; offset: 0x8F2 (2290 bytes)
|Header bytes: b3e67381010d00000000000000
|HEAD_TYPE: 0x73 (RAR Archive Header)
|HEAD_FLAGS: 0x0181
| 0x0001 MHD_VOLUME (Volume attribute (RAR is an archive volume))
| 0x0080 MHD_PASSWORD (Block headers are encrypted)
| 0x0100 MHD_FIRSTVOLUME (First volume (set only by RAR 3.0 and later))
|HEAD_SIZE: 0xD (13 bytes)
+RESERVED1: 2 bytes: 0
+RESERVED2: 4 bytes: 0

Block: UNKNOWN BLOCK! NUKE IT!; offset: 0x8FF (2303 bytes)
|Header bytes: b1493f825222e1bdea7752e29dff2270953149d8a6d55f1f6a55c23048cd8661c928885b85a3f93a67aace624e4ca976819aeac6406cf9b8b07aeff75a410a43a672cec424bee1c560d59ca1f6ed116e5a3a4967201c472fbe48f33b13b3f16b0c5c2fd3b69a7239d262527476f05cdc69dfa7867dcae8d6775838e22771d20d5d99dde3e499f96bfe4d1ec70ad29101a56d8e403c760b63e3767c9e4bf00db41a21df67f75432727978092cf9af5730180b64882bf45272b5cfbb10c025ab114726fd053110b6314cad6634ec873d99666b922f7f93a9fc616523b52747c445e6794fbb5859f410f275cfa98df83b6bd3de10a35f…

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