First RAR file of cover release stored in SRR

Issue #191 new
Gfy repo owner created an issue



False positive check adds rar:

Block: SRR Stored File; offset: 0x17D0 (6096 bytes)
|Header bytes: 6a6a6a00801f0000093d0012007363616e732d353063656e7462702e726172
|HEAD_CRC:   0x6A6A
|HEAD_TYPE:  0x6A (SRR Stored File)
|HEAD_FLAGS: 0x8000
|   0x8000 LONG_BLOCK (ADD_SIZE field present)
|HEAD_SIZE:  0x1F (31 bytes)
+ADD_SIZE: 0x3D0900 (4000000 bytes)(the size of the stored file)
+Stored file name length (2 bytes): 0x12 (18 bytes)
+Stored file name: scans-50centbp.rar

Only the first rar file of the covers is stored. None should be added into the SRR. The word proof is in the release name, but this is not a proof release.

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