Frequently fails to recompress releases containing many small files

Issue #8 new
Former user created an issue

Even when it begins to successfully compress and recreate part of the set for larger files (several megabytes) that span multiple volumes, pyReScene frequently chokes once it gets to the first small file (less than one megabyte).

When this happens it gets stuck in a long "Testing with previous file" loop where it attempts to use every available RAR version to re-compress the smaller file despite having previously successfully compressed other parts using another version. Eventually this causes it to fail.


Trying to rebuild compressed file foo.
Grabbing large enough data piece size for testing.
Trying 2012-06-09 4.20.
Testing with previous file
Trying 2012-06-09 4.20.
Testing with previous file
Trying 2012-05-27 4.20.
Testing with previous file
Trying 2012-05-13 4.20.
Testing with previous file

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