Unexpected error

Issue #84 duplicate
Tim M created an issue

C:\Windows\system32>cd C:\hr-arnosurge

C:\hr-arnosurge>C:\pyrescene\bin\srr.py "Ar_nosurge_Umareizuru_Hoshi_e_Inoru_Uta_JPN_PS3-HR.srr" -z C:\pyReScene\rar -t C:\temp SRR file created with pyReScene 0.5. Re-creating stored file: hr-arnosurge.nfo Re-creating stored file: hr-arnosurge.sfv Re-creating RAR file: hr-arnosurge.rar Trying to rebuild compressed file BLJM61150\PS3_DISC.SFB. Grabbing large enough data piece size for testing. Trying 2014-06-10 5.10. Good RAR version detected: 2014-06-10 5.10 C:\pyReScene\rar\2014-06-10_rar510.exe a -m1 -mdG -s- -ds -mt1 -vn -o+ -ep -idcd C:\temp\tmpbfi78a_pyReScene\pyReScene_compressed.rar C:\hr-arnosurge\ BLJM61150\PS3_DISC.SFB Compressing PS3_DISC.SFB...

Evaluation copy. Please register.

Creating archive C:\temp\tmpbfi78a_pyReScene\pyReScene_compressed.rar

Adding C:\hr-arnosurge\BLJM61150\PS3_DISC.SFB OK 43c22736 6181442c BLJM61150\PS3_DISC.SFB C:\hr-arnosurge\hr-arnosurge.rar Trying to rebuild compressed file BLJM61150\PS3_GAME\LICDIR\LIC.DAT. Grabbing large enough data piece size for testing. Trying 2014-06-10 5.10. Testing with previous file Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\pyrescene\rescene\srr.py", line 508, in main parser.exit(manage_srr(options, infolder, infiles, working_dir)) File "C:\pyrescene\rescene\srr.py", line 269, in manage_srr options.volume is None, options.volume) File "C:\pyrescene\rescene\main.py", line 1221, in reconstruct in_folder, hints, auto_locate_renamed) File "C:\pyrescene\rescene\main.py", line 1588, in get_rar_data_object in_folder, hints, auto_locate_renamed)) File "C:\pyrescene\rescene\main.py", line 1873, in compressed_rar_file_factory nblock, followup_src, solid=False) File "C:\pyrescene\rescene\main.py", line 1998, in init first_block, blocks, thread_count) File "C:\pyrescene\rescene\main.py", line 2254, in search_matching_rar_executable prev_file = archived_files[prev.file_name] KeyError: u'BLJM61150\PS3_GAME\ICON0.PNG' Unexpected Error: u'BLJM61150\PS3_GAME\ICON0.PNG'

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