Bug: mktrj.nma()

Issue #107 resolved
Xinqiu Yao created an issue

Got following errors in R CMD check on feature_pdb_dataframe. Possibly came from mktrj.nma.R:

* checking examples ... ERROR
Running examples inbio3d-Ex.Rfailed
The error most likely occurred in:

> ### Name: geostas
> ### Title: GeoStaS Domain Finder
> ### Aliases: geostas amsm.xyz
> ### Keywords: analysis
> ### ** Examples
> ## Fetch stucture
> pdb <- read.pdb("1hel")
  Note: Accessing on-line PDB file
  HEADER    HYDROLASE(O-GLYCOSYL)                   10-JAN-92   1HEL               
> ## Calculate (vibrational) normal modes
> modes <- nma(pdb)
 Building Hessian...        Done in 0.052 seconds.
 Diagonalizing Hessian...   Done in 0.132 seconds.
> ## Mode trajectories
> trj <- rbind(mktrj(modes, mode=7),
+              mktrj(modes, mode=8),
+              mktrj(modes, mode=9))
Error in cbind(x$xyz, plus, plus[, rev(1:ncol(plus))], x$xyz, minus, minus[,  : 
  number of rows of matrices must match (see arg 2)
Calls: rbind -> mktrj -> mktrj.nma -> t -> cbind
Execution halted

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