Visualize stuff on the master branch

Issue #111 resolved
Lars Skjærven created an issue

Looks like there are currently quite a bit of unfinished functions on the the master branch. I think its mainly related to the visualize functionality:

  function(cij, ...)
  function(cij, cutoff.cij, cm, vnames, cluster.method,
           collapse.method, cols, minus.log)

Missing link or links in documentation object 'identify.cna.Rd':plot.igraph’ ‘plot.communities’ ‘igraph.plottingCodoc mismatches from documentation object 'layout.pdb':
  Code: function(pdb, membership, renumber = TRUE, k = 3, full = FALSE)
  Docs: function(pdb, membership, renumber = TRUE, k = 3)

Loading required package: rgl
Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE
  there is no package calledrglError in visualize.default(pdb$xyz, ele.symb = ele.symb, con, cell, type,  : 
  Please install the rgl package from CRAN
Calls: visualize -> visualize.pdb -> visualize.default
Execution halted

anyone wants to filter this out unless it's ready for release?

Comments (5)

  1. Barry Grant

    Yes, thats a shame. These are indeed old 'visualize' related droppings that were present on the feature-cna branch and now have made there way into master - unfortunately.

    Xinqiu and I can look after cleaning these up. Please don't delete the feature-cna branch until we are done cleaning. Have you checked the various atom mass datasets have not been messed up with these?

  2. Lars Skjærven reporter

    I've gone over the mass related functions. These should now be fine and working properly with the NMA related stuff.

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