dssp.pdbs() unhelpful error msg with CA-only input PDBs

Issue #152 resolved
Barry Grant created an issue

Trying to run dssp() on a pdbs object that contains CA only structures (e.g. as obtained after using mustang() with the cleanpdbs=T option). Gives a very unhelpful message:

> sse<-dssp(pdbs)
Error in dssp.pdb(tmp.pdb, resno = FALSE, full = FALSE, ...) :
  An error occurred while running command
 'dssp /var/folders/69/8y5xz5_s56n19nb1h6mgp3rc0054zz/T//RtmpimejUX/file96c95d95ee2b /var/folders/69/8y5xz5_s56n19nb1h6mgp3rc0054zz/T//RtmpimejUX/file96c91e47790d'

This is because the tmp file which dssp.pdb() is given as input is CA-only.

I propose that there should be a pre-check for this both in dssp.pdbs() and also in dssp.pdb().

Comments (3)

  1. Lars Skjærven

    suggestion for dssp.pdb:

    pdb = read.pdb("1hel")
    pdb$atom$elety[1:10] = "CA"
    sse = dssp(pdb)
    Warning message:
    In dssp.pdb(pdb) : Residues with missing backbone atoms detected: 1-A, 2-A
    pdb = read.pdb("1hel")
    pdb$atom$elety = "CA"
    Error in dssp.pdb(pdb) : 
      No residues found with a complete set of backbone atoms

    see details with commit 1f252bd.

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