nma: check for correct ordering of trivial modes

Issue #16 resolved
Lars Skjærven created an issue

Unphysical structures (i.e. with C-alpha clashes) can yield negative eigenvalues. This messes up the ordering since I assume that the trivial modes come first, and not negative modes first. Possible solutions: Output a warning and reorder the eigenvalues (and vectors), or stop() function since the structure is anyway not meaningful.

Example: PDB-id 1GRU (chain H) contains c-alpha clashes: pdb=read.pdb("1gru", maxlines=700000) sele=atom.select(pdb, chain="H") m=nma(pdb, sele) head(m$L, n=8) [1] -2708.634577 0.000000 0.000000

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