
Issue #182 resolved
Lars Skjærven created an issue

proposing to change default value of multi in read.pdb() to TRUE. I guess the only reason for having this FALSE is speed (?), but you dont save too much anyway:

> get.pdb("1d1d")

> system.time(read.pdb("1d1d.pdb", multi=FALSE))
   user  system elapsed 
  0.539   0.003   0.544 

> system.time(read.pdb("1d1d.pdb", multi=TRUE))
   user  system elapsed 
  0.680   0.000   0.683 

Also, I exchange calls to print with message (or cat). ok?

Comments (4)

  1. Barry Grant

    How wold this effect regular pdbaln() - pdbfit() - etc workflows? Also I am sure what your print() to cat() change is about?

  2. Lars Skjærven reporter

    neh.. pdbsplit() would be affected, so that we would need to include a multi argument there as well. thats a hassle, so I take it back. the other functions would be ok though.

    there are calls to print in read.pdb so that the messaging gets a bit ugly:

    > read.pdb("2RSC", multi=TRUE)
      Note: Accessing on-line PDB file
    [1] "PDB has multiple END/ENDMDL records"
    [1] "multi=TRUE: 'read.dcd/read.ncdf' will be quicker!"
      HEADER    HYDROLASE                               19-DEC-11   2RSC               
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