nma.pdbs() extension to include other ff terms

Issue #193 resolved
Former user created an issue

nma.pdbs() does not work with other force fields like nma.pdb. It will be good to have it work with other ff.

Comments (4)

  1. Lars Skjærven

    A quick test to see if passing argument ff=anm to nma.pdbs()works:

    ids <- c("1a70_A", "1czp_A", "1frd_A")
    files <- get.pdb(ids, split = TRUE, path = tempdir())
    pdbs <- pdbaln(files, outfile = tempfile())
    # use nma.pdbs() to calculate modes
    modes <- nma(pdbs, rm.gaps=FALSE, full=TRUE, ff="anm")
    # use nma.pdb() to calcaulate modes
    pdb <- pdbs2pdb(pdbs, 1)
    m <- nma(pdb[[1]], ff="anm")
    # check if eigenvalues are the same
    identical(m$L, modes$full.nma[[1]]$L)
    [1] TRUE
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