PCA-app, tab #1: Search

Issue #230 resolved
Lars Skjærven created an issue

The view input checkbox could do with being a more visible button I think - I missed it at first actually.

The limited table display of hits is my main gripe with this first tab. How about trying the scroller extension to DT (see number 8 here: http://rstudio.github.io/DT/extensions.html ). I am not sure if a combination of this with separate pages for the non red hits is possible. Ideally I want to see a scrollable table of all red hits plus a the first few black hits initially and then be able to go further into black hits with a separate page click (or whatever the term is here).

Should the ligands link to Hic-Up with a simple URL like: http://xray.bmc.uu.se/hicup/ATP/ (or we could steal one of the images here for mouse over display - but that might just be annoying).

Also with this table the cluster ordering (click on “cluster”) does not work. Minor point the content of Source and Title cols should be made Sentence Case.

Different color in the BLAST plot for the selected entries (associated to the limit hits slider)?

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