PCA-app, tab #5: NMA

Issue #234 resolved
Lars Skjærven created an issue
  • I think we should try to layout the eNMA tab in a very similar way to the PCA tab.
  • Obviously we don't have the conformer plots here but we could consider drawing the PCA ones again and this time adding arrows to each point to indicate the directions of the top 3 modes in the PC space???
  • Fluctuation plot is nice, we should just position it with a control/options div in a similar way to the PCA loadings/contributions plot and maybe have a similar dropdown for modes as PCs.

  • The RMSIP heat map should come first, then RMSD and perhaps also PC dist one also?

  • Finally I think we could consider putting the PCA vs NMA at the bottom of this NMA tab and rename the tab to eNMA for ensemble.

Comments (4)

  1. Lars Skjærven reporter


    • fluctuation plot with control panel
    • choose structures for fluct plot
    • rmsip first, then rmsd
    • cluster by pc dist
    • pca vs nma tab merged into the eNMA tab


    • drop down for mode fluctuations ?
    • conformer plot with arrows ?
    • residue numbering in fluct plot
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