Index of a Hessian matrix

Issue #237 resolved
Alexander Fokas created an issue


If I want to analyse my own hessian matrix in the nma analysis, what will the index of the hessian matrix need to be?

Many thanks,


Comments (2)

  1. Lars Skjærven

    Hi Alexander, The hessian is a 3Nx3N matrix with atom blocks located at positions with indices ((3i-2):(3i), ((3j-2):(3j)) for atoms (i, j) (e.g. (1:3, 4:6) for atoms (1, 2)).

    # read pdb and build hessian
    pdb = read.pdb("1etl")
    a = trim(pdb, "calpha", resno=5:7)
    h = build.hessian(a$xyz,
    # atom 1
    > h[1:3, 1:3]
              [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
    [1,]  102.8695 -199.5620 -201.0667
    [2,] -199.5620  387.1411  390.0600
    [3,] -201.0667  390.0600  393.0010
    # fc between atom 1 and 2
    > h[1:3, 4:6]
              [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
    [1,] -102.8695  199.5620  201.0667
    [2,]  199.5620 -387.1411 -390.0600
    [3,]  201.0667 -390.0600 -393.0010

    hope this helps

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