PCA WebApp crash

Issue #262 resolved
Barry Grant created an issue

Using 7HVP and increasing the number of hits to 25 leads to an Align tab error: "missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed"

Also using 1GC1 crashes the app

Comments (11)

  1. Lars Skjærven

    The 7HVP cases was related to a hit 3GI0_B which only contains alt atom records. all of these were deleted since we use argument rm.alt=TRUE. Cases like these are omitted from the current version of the pca webapp, but I have added a message in the ALIGN tab.

  2. Barry Grant reporter
    • changed status to open

    Thanks, the 1gc1 works now but I still get a user unintelligible "missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed" on the ALIGN tab while using 7hvp and increasing to 25 hits.

  3. Lars Skjærven

    hmm. so my fix only worked for the archive mode. seems to crash in pdbsplit() --> write.pdb(). should be fixed with a test in pdbsplit(). see latest commit

  4. Lars Skjærven

    hmm.. did you re-install bio3d? I made an update in the bio3d function pdbsplit()

    # before update:
    > get.pdb("3GI0")
    > pdbsplit("3GI0.pdb", ids = c("3GI0_A", "3GI0_B"), overwrite=F)   
    Error in if (check.lengths%%natom != 0) { : 
      missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
    # after update:
    > pdbsplit("3GI0.pdb", ids = c("3GI0_A", "3GI0_B"), overwrite=F)   
    [1] "split_chain/3GI0_A.pdb"
    Warning message:
    In pdbsplit("3GI0.pdb", ids = c("3GI0_A", "3GI0_B"), overwrite = F) :
      unmatched ids: 3GI0_B
    # with rm.alt=F
    > pdbsplit("3GI0.pdb", ids = c("3GI0_A", "3GI0_B"), overwrite=F, rm.alt=F)   
    [1] "split_chain/3GI0_A.pdb" "split_chain/3GI0_B.pdb"

    The part of pdbsplit() which has been updated:

    if(length(new.pdb$xyz) > 0) {   ## <--- this line is added
       if(!file.exists(new.name) | overwrite )
          write.pdb(new.pdb, file = new.name, sse=TRUE)
       out <- c(out, new.name)
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