Unable to load pymol

Issue #263 new
George Tzotzos created an issue

I searched the archive for this problem but couldn't find a satisfactory answer.

I'm using OpenSource PyMol v.1.7.x

PyMOL is installed in /usr/local/bin

When I issue view.dccm(cij, pdb, launch = TRUE)

I get the following error message

Unable to find application named 'MacPyMOL' Error in view.dccm(cij, pdb, launch = TRUE) : An error occurred while running command 'pymol'

I'd appreciate any suggestions for a work around for this problem. Below is my sessionInfo() in case it is of any help

sessionInfo() R version 3.2.1 (2015-06-18) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit) Running under: OS X 10.10.4 (Yosemite)

locale: [1] en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8/C/en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8

attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

other attached packages: [1] bio3d_2.2-3

loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] magrittr_1.5 ncdf_1.6.8 parallel_3.2.1 igraph_1.0.1
[5] grid_3.2.1 lattice_0.20-31

Comments (11)

  1. Xinqiu Yao


    You can specify executable explicitly in the command, e.g. view.dccm(cij, pdb, exefile='/usr/local/bin/MacPyMOL', launch=TRUE).

  2. Lars Skjærven

    Hi George, Thanks for noting this.

    Xinqiu: my pymol is installed under "/Applications/MacPyMOL.app/" and in order to start it from the terminal i have to do "open -a /Applications/MacPyMOL.app". Silly stuff. Unfortunately I haven't been able to launch it from within the R terminal on OSX.

    George: For now you should run the view.dccm command without the launch argument. The function will generate a python script for you (along with writing the PDB). After running the view.dccm command, start pymol with open -a /Applications/MacPyMOL.app/ corr.py

    Hope it helps. Lars

  3. Barry Grant

    Perhaps not directly helpful here but on a mac I can launch pymol from the terminal with:


    Then you can obviously set whatever alias you like (e.g. in your ~/.bashrc file) to make this easy, e.g.

    alias pymol='/Applications/MacPyMOL.app/Contents/MacOS/MacPyMOL'
  4. Barry Grant

    Side-note: Should we have a new OpenGL based view.dccm() and what should the output look like?

    I know the pymol functionality has been moved to pymol() and pymol.dccm() but it appears that the launch=TRUE option on mac is still suspect (even though the "open -a MacPyMOL" works from the command line). Should this be made more robust somehow?

  5. Lars Skjærven

    Jupp. Perhaps set exefile to NULL, and based on the OS we set exefile internally to

    • pymol for unix systems
    • /Applications/MacPyMOL.app/Contents/MacOS/MacPyMOL for OSX

    And only when the user specifies exefile (not null) this input is used for the execution ?

  6. Xinqiu Yao

    Any update for this issue?

    I think the view() family of functions will finally solve all these system dependency problems. Currently, we just do the suggested: Set exefile=NULL by default and update it internally depending on the OS type. This strategy should apply to all functions that call pymol or vmd.

  7. George Tzotzos reporter

    I wonder if there's been a solution to this problem.

    I've done a clean install of R and bio3d. Followed the different suggestions given above, e.g. view.dccm(cij, pdb, launch=FALSE) view.dccm(cij, pdb, exefile='/opt/local/bin/pymol', launch=TRUE) view.dccm(cij, pdb, exefile='/opt/local/bin/pymol') view.dccm(cij, pdb) In all of the above cases, I get the same Error: could not find function "view.dccm" Thanks in advance for any advice.

  8. George Tzotzos reporter

    Apologies. I retract.

    Figured out my mistake. Should had used: pymol.dccm(cij, pdb, type="launch")

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