WebApp Fit tab structure viewer 'features'

Issue #269 resolved
Barry Grant created an issue

The way the filter table is implemented currently (i.e. trim(pdbs, "selectedRow") ) will lead to a couple of big consequences for visualization coloring. Namely many of the coloring (RMSF, structure, etc. options) will be based on the timed pdbs object and not the the original dataset.

Is this what we want?

i.e. do we want RMSF of one or a pair of structure (i.e. single color) if that is what is selected...

This could be ok or intact a good thing I guess but will need to be explained to the user at some point.

Also the trim.pdbs() function does not retain secondary structure currently so we will lose this coloring. This should be changed and I will add a ToDo for this.

Comments (5)

  1. Lars Skjærven

    Good point. How about a checkbox just above the Filter/toggle displayed PDBs data table to chose this ? I agree that both ways can be useful.

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