ncdf update to ncdf4 or RNetCDF

Issue #310 resolved
Barry Grant created an issue

From CRAN:

[bio3d] depend[s] on package ncdf. The latter is now deprecated and scheduled to be removed from CRAN in Jan 2016. It has only been keep this long because ncdf4 was not available for Windows: it now is (on CRAN extras, a default repository for binary installs).

Please convert your package to use either ncdf4 or RNetCDF as soon as possible and definitely by early January. (For the second group this could just mean removing references to ncdf as the package passes its checks without it.)

We need to fix this asap and post an updated version to CRAN.

Comments (3)

  1. Xinqiu Yao

    Thanks Barry. I am thinking about 'ncdf4', which is written by the same author of 'ncdf' and so similar functionalities are available (we have to update for new function names). Any other idea?

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