read.fasta NA

Issue #359 resolved
Former user created an issue

Dear colleagues,

I have an issue with the read.fasta function. If it happens to be that I have an fasta alignment in the following format with the last two amino acids as N and A in a separate line:


Then it reads the amino acids N and A as 'NA's

Please comment. Thx

Comments (4)

  1. Xinqiu Yao


    Thanks for spotting this. It is a bug and has been fixed in the latest commit here.

    Update your bio3d with either releases or master branch to have the bugfix. See also here for how to install bio3d other than from CRAN.

    Note that you will not get the bugfix by directly typing e.g. update.packages(bio3d) since we haven't published it on CRAN yet (It will be done in next bio3d release).

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