overlap with nma(mass=TRUE)

Issue #36 resolved
Lars Skjærven created an issue

... does not sum to 1:

tail(overlap(modes, xyz.diff, nmodes=9999)$overlap.cum)

since fit.xyz is not mass weighted.

Compare to:

modes <- nma(pdb, mass=FALSE) 
tail(overlap(modes, xyz.diff, nmodes=9999)$overlap.cum)

Solution can be to provide mass weighting in fit.xyz, or issue a warning in overlap (and also rmsip?).

Comments (5)

  1. Barry Grant

    I think the warning route would be best as fit.xyz() is already bloated and quite central to many other workflows that are best left undisturbed until we have a robust and useful testsuite.

    On a somewhat related note, assigning mass to things not included in aa2mass() is a weak point that I have been thinking about. The way aa321() goes about this is to use a wild card "X" that is setup in substitution matrices to score well with any other residue.

    If we have a missing residue definition in aa2mass() could we have an option that attempt to calculate the mass based on a corresponding pdb structure?

  2. Lars Skjærven reporter

    Agree that we can leave fix.xyz alone for now, but with time we could consider it. I'll see how I can update the rmsip and overlap functions. perhaps just noting in the .Rd files is enough...?

    We can calculate residue mass for any given set of atoms with atom2mass. i.e.:

    atom2mass(c("C", "O", "CA", "NH1"))
    [1] 12.01 16.00 12.01 14.01
    atom2mass(pdb, inds=atom.select(pdb, resno=10))
    Build selection from input components
          segid  chain  resno resid  eleno  elety 
    Stest ""     ""     "10"  ""     ""     ""    
    Natom "3888" "3888" "8"   "3888" "3888" "3888"
     *  Selected a total of: 8 intersecting atoms  *
    [1] 14.01 12.01 12.01 16.00 12.01 12.01 16.00 14.01

    There is also a grpby argument for the purpose of extracting residue masses from atom2mass. However, aa2mass provides amino acid masses including the weights of the hydrogens -- which atom2mass would not pick up unless they are present in the structure.

  3. Lars Skjærven reporter

    Can we have this in the to-do list? It's in principle not resolved - only ignored :) I've changed it to 'enhanchement' .

  4. Barry Grant

    We can mark it as a known bug if you like. The mass weighted fitting is certainly an 'enhancement feature' though.

    We could also implement TMalign at some point...

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