Save Model

Issue #422 resolved
Mamta Mohan created an issue

I would like to save PCA model I built with Bio3D for production data.

Is it possible.

Comments (3)

  1. Barry Grant

    If you want to save the results of a regular PCA for later use in R, you can use the save() and load() commands - e.g.

    pc.xray <-$xyz, rm.gaps=TRUE)
    save(, file="myResults.RData")

    You can then read it back into a different session with the load("myResults.RData") command.

    If you want to save an individual component of the results. E.g. the eigenvectors:

    write.csv(pc.xray$U, file="myResults-U.csv")

    I suggest you read basic introductory R manuals and tutorials and try to ask more specific questions as it is not clear what you want to actually save here...

  2. Mamta Mohan reporter

    Thank you for your response.

    I will go through manual first as you suggested and will post question if I am unable to find answers.

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