Can't load long dcd trajectory

Issue #434 resolved
Former user created an issue


My name is Lilian and I'm using your bio3d package for structure network construction starting from MD trajectories.

I have 52246 frames of MD trajectory which contains a system of 200 residues. I'm tried many ways load it, but always return the same error "dcdfile <- system.file("/home/lili/Replicas_apo/cruz_simul_apo_repli/total_1us.dcd", package = "bio3d")

read.dcd(dcdfile) Error in read.dcd(dcdfile) : No input DCD file found with name: "

There is somebody who can help me with that issue???

Comments (3)

  1. Xinqiu Yao

    Just provide the path to the DCD file in normal "linux" format (Don't use system.file(), which is unrelated here). read.dcd("/home/lili/Replicas_apo/cruz_simul_apo_repli/total_1us.dcd")

  2. lilianha

    Thanks a lot!!!

    It works perfectly. I don't know that system.file was made only for Windows interfaces, therefore I was doing things following the Tutorial .

    Best regards

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