Issue in all-atom Normal mode analysis (ENM)

Issue #467 resolved
Kajwal Kumar Patra created an issue

hi sir, i am using bio3d v-2.2-4. i want to calculate all-atom NMA. but whwn i call the function aanma() i am getting the error:"Error: could not find function "aanma"."

pdb <- read.pdb("nw_nw_MUTANT1_neut_shift.pdb")

m.aa <- aanma(pdb, outmodes="calpha")

Error: could not find function "aanma"

Am i doing any silly mistakes?

listed bellow some lbio3d library. i could not find the "aanma" function

[1] "aa.index" "aa.table" "aa123" "aa2index"
[5] "aa2mass" "aa321" "aln2html" ""
[9] "" "as.fasta" "as.pdb" "as.pdb.default"
[13] "as.pdb.mol2" "as.pdb.prmtop" "" ""
[17] "atom.index" "" "" ""
[21] "atom2ele" "atom2ele.default" "atom2ele.pdb" "atom2mass"
[25] "atom2mass.default" "atom2mass.pdb" "atom2xyz" "basename.pdb"
[29] "bhattacharyya" "bhattacharyya.array" "bhattacharyya.enma" "bhattacharyya.matrix" [33] "bhattacharyya.nma" "bhattacharyya.pca" "" "biounit"

Comments (5)

  1. Lars Skjærven

    please update to the newest version of bio3d and try again. make sure you are running bio3d_2.3-1

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