Not able to access MUSCLE online for sequence alignment in Bio3D

Issue #489 resolved
vijaycoding created an issue

aln<- seqaln(seqs, web.args=list(email=''))

Will try to align sequences online...

Job successfully submited (job ID: muscle-R20170815-162226-0942-49049517-pg) Waiting for job to finish... Error: XML content does not seem to be XML: '{"types":[{"identifier":"out","label":"Tool Output","description":"The output from the tool itself","mediaType":"text/plain","fileSuffix":"txt"},{"identifier":"sequence","label":"Input Sequences","description":"Your input sequences as seen by the tool","mediaType":"text/plain","fileSuffix":"txt"},{"identifier":"aln-fasta","label":"Alignment in FASTA format","description":"The alignment in FASTA format","mediaType":"text/plain","fileSuffix":"fasta"},{"identifier":"phylotree","label":"Phylogenetic Tree","description":"The phylogenetic tree","mediaType":"text/plain","fileSuffix":"ph"},{"identifier":"pim","label":"Percent Identity Matrix","description":"The percent identity matrix output file","mediaType":"text/plain","fileSuffix":"pim"}]}' In addition: Warning message: running command 'muscle -version' had status 127

Comments (2)

  1. Xinqiu Yao

    Oops. EBI has changed their format recently. Have corrected by this commit. Please update your local bio3d. If you are unfamiliar with installation of developmental version, please refer to our wiki page here.

    Thanks for catching up the bug, and let me know if you have any further questions.

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